If you are planning to show the same wall in different looks on different screens, you can override the layout for each display using modifier URLs.
For example, the social wall below is using the Fluid layout by default:
You can easily override this layout by adding the ?layout
modifier. Let's say that you want to display this wall using the carousel layout. All you have to do is add ?layout=carousel
to the wall URL:
Here's another example for the map theme. Again, just add ?layout=map
to the wall URL:
You can use these settings for all the other layouts. Just add ?layout=
to the URL and add the name of the layout. This is a very handy feature if you're using your social wall on multiple displays.
Hint: you can use the same ?layout=
parameter in the embed code as well:
<script async src="https://walls.io/js/wallsio-widget-1.2.js" data-wallurl="https://my.walls.io/instagram-feed?nobackground=1&layout=bricks" data-title="Instagram Landing Page Demo Wall" data-width="100%" data-height="308" data-lazyload="1"></script>
<iframe allowfullscreen id="wallsio-iframe" src="https://my.walls.io/instagram-feed?nobackground=1&show_header=0&show_post_info=1&accessibility=0&layout=bricks" style="border:0;height:800px;width:100%" loading="lazy" allow="camera" title="Instagram Landing Page Demo Wall"></iframe>
🌈 Here's the full list of the supported layout URL modifiers:
In case you have further questions, don't hesitate to contact the support team via chat or support@walls.io!