To hide your wall from search engines like Google, go to Settings > Privacy & Tracking and press on “Hidden from search engines”.
Everybody will be able to access your Wall at
Search engines won't index your Wall
People are able to share links to your Wall
If you want to switch your Wall to b, so only people with the secret link can access your Wall, please go to the Settings > Privacy & Tracking and push the knob to “Secret”. Selecting this option means that:
Search engines won't index your Wall
People won't be able to share links to your Wall
❗️ Please note that you can always change your secret link. On the right side of the settings page you can find the “Change” button – by clicking it, you generate a new secret web link for your social Wall.
❗️ If you change your secret link, the previously used link expires.
In case you have further questions, don't hesitate to contact the support team via the chat or!