For customers or partners who plan to embed our social media walls on their platforms while using our Direct Posts to collect user-generated content, it can be useful to prefill the Direct Posts submission form with data. This way, a user who already is logged in on the embedding platform, does not need to enter their name, email address etc. again.
Pre-filling the Direct Posts form can be achieved by using either #
hashtag or normal parameters in the URL. We are currently offering these parameters for pre-fill:
💡 Notice: Please choose either name
or first_name
and last_name
depending on whether you have set up your form to use a single name field or separate fields.
Pre-filling Direct Posts when linking to your wall
Here's an example for pre-filling Direct Posts when using a direct link to send users to your wall using hashtag parameters:
And here's the same example, but this time using normal URL parameters:
💡 Notice: Please notice that all data needs to be URL-encoded (f.e. using a +
sign instead of a blank). You can use this tool to URL-encode your data.
This how the pre-filled form looks like:
Pre-filling Direct Posts when embedding your wall
When using our iframe- or JavaScript embed code, you can pre-fill the Direct Posts form by adding the hashtag parameters to the embed URL. For the iframe snippet, this is done in the src
<iframe allowfullscreen id="wallsio-iframe"
style="border:0;height:800px;width:100%" loading="lazy"></iframe>
For the JavaScript embed code, please add your data in the data-wallurl
<script async src=""
nobackground=1&show_header=0&show_post_info=1&accessibility=0#name=Axel+F&" data-width="100%"
data-autoheight="1" data-height="800" data-lazyload="1"></script>
In case you have further questions, don't hesitate to contact the support team via chat or!