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Adding Instagram Sources to Your Social Wall

How to add Instagram content to your social wall?

Daniela Turcanu avatar
Written by Daniela Turcanu
Updated over 8 months ago

Supported Instagram sources:

  • Hashtags

    • Feed posts

  • Profiles you own

    • Feed posts, mentions, Stories

Supported post types:

  • Picture/Video Posts (published on the Instagram feed)

  • Multi Picture/Video Posts

  • IGTVs

  • Reels

  • Stories

Unsupported Instagram post types:

  • Likes

  • Replies/Comments

How to add Instagram sources to your social wall?

Get an Instagram Business account and connect it to

Here are the necessary steps to go through (only required once for each Instagram account) to facilitate the integration of your Instagram Business account with You can find more detailed information about it in this article.

If you don't have a social wall yet, it's time to create one!

Go to and connect your Instagram Business Profile

Log in to the app, go to Settings > Sources, click on the Instagram icon, and insert your Instagram Business profile URL. Afterwards, click on the Connect button.

Once your Instagram business account is connected to, you will see a confirmation message at the bottom left.

Add Instagram sources to your social wall

Once your Instagram Business account is connected to, you can start adding your sources. You can add two types of Instagram sources to your social wall: hashtags and profiles.

Adding Instagram hashtag sources

After you connected your Instagram Business account to as explained above, you can add hashtag sources to your social wall. To do that, go to Settings > Sources, click on the Instagram icon, and click on the Hashtag tab. Afterwards, insert the hashtag that you want to collect posts for and click ADD.


It’s not possible to create a source for a brand new hashtag 

The Instagram Graph API only allows to fetch posts for hashtags that have been used on Instagram before. An easy way around this is to simply publish a dummy public post on Instagram using the hashtag and then try adding it to your social wall. If you add a hashtag that doesn’t yet exist on Instagram, you will get the following error message:

Instagram only allows a maximum of 30 hashtags to be queried per week per Business account

We can only fetch a maximum of 30 unique hashtags on behalf of any Instagram Business account within a rolling 7-day period. A hashtag will count against this limit as soon as it is queried. 

We only fetch public posts

Posts from private Instagram profiles can't be displayed for reasons of privacy!

We only fetch posts from the last 24h and top posts

Please be aware: when adding a new hashtag source for Instagram, we can fetch only "Most recent" posts from the last 24 hours and "Top posts". Once the source is added, we can, of course, collect (& keep) all future posts, so this limitation is only relevant when starting with a new hashtag/wall.

IMPORTANT: It is not possible for us to change this limit since these are technical limitations of the platforms' APIs (=programming interfaces for tools like ours).

Adding your Instagram profile source

After you connected your Instagram Business account to, you can add your profile as a source. To do that, go to Settings > Sources, click on the Instagram icon and click on the Profile tab. Afterwards, insert the URL of an Instagram Business profile you own and click ADD.

When adding an Instagram profile source, you can choose to display feed posts, stories, and mentions. We only display stories from your own Instagram profile, not from other users' profiles.

💡Notice: For Stories, additional filters are not applied to stickers, only to the text of the story.

You can only add multiple social sources per platform in the paid accounts.
Compare the features lists for our pricing tiers and upgrade your account.


In case you have further questions, don't hesitate to contact the support team via chat or!

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